Jinxin Cao 曹金鑫
Ph. D,LecturerEmail: alfred7c@ntu.edu.cn
Dr. Cao Jinxin graduated from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University in June 2018 with a PhD in Computer Application Technology. Since July 2018, he has been a lecturer at the School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Nantong University. From June 2021 to June 2022, he was sponsored by the Jiangsu Government Scholarship to conduct research at the School of Information, University of Leicester, UK. Member of the Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Committee of the Chinese Computer Society, Professional Member of the Jiangsu Computer Society, and Member of the Jiangsu Artificial Intelligence Society. Hosted the General Project of Natural Science Research in Higher Education Institutions in Jiangsu Province, the Collaborative Education Project of the Ministry of Education, participated in multiple National Natural Science Foundation General Projects and municipal level projects, and published over 10 papers in internationally renowned journals such as Future Generation Computer System, Information Sciences, Applied Soft Computing, Neurocomputing, KSEM, and ICIC, as well as CCF conferences. Authorized 2 invention patents and guided 1 national innovation program training project for college students. Research areas: machine learning, data mining, complex network analysis, granular computing, recommendation systems, etc.
Complex Network Analytics
Social Computing
Community Detection
Natural Language Processing
Jinxin Cao, Di Jin, Liang Yang, Jianwu Dang, Incorporating network structure with node contents for community detection on large networks using deep learning, Neurocomputing, 2018, 297: 71-81. (中科院SCI二区)
Jinxin Cao, Di Jin, Jianwu Dang, Autoencoder Based Community Detection with Adaptive Integration of Network Topology and Node Contents, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 中国-吉林省长春市, 2018-8-16至2018-8-19 (EI, CCF C类会议论文长文)
Jinxin Cao, Hongcui Wang, Di Jin*, Jianwu Dang, Combination of links and node contents for community discovery using a graph regularization approach, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 91: 361-370. (中科院SCI一区)
Dongxiao He, Youyou Wang, Jinxin Cao*, Weiping Ding, Shizhan Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Bo Wang, Yuxiao Huang, A network embedding-enhanced Bayesian model for generalized community detection in complex networks, Information Sciences, 2021, 575: 306-322. (中科院SCI一区)
Xiaoyang Zou, Jinxin Cao*, Hengrong Ju, Weiping Ding, Di Jin. GNMFO_TW: Graph Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Overlapping Community Discovery by Using Three-Way, ICIC 2024, 中国-天津市, 2024-8-5至2024-8-8.(CCF C类会议论文长文)
许伟忠, 曹金鑫*, 孙翔, 张晓峰, 刘路, 丁卫平, 结合网络拓扑与节点内容的统一化半监督社团检测方法, 南京师大学报(自然科学版), 2023,46(01) :130-138. (北大核心)
许伟忠,陆杨,曹金鑫*,鞠恒荣,丁卫平,金弟, 融合内容与嵌入强化拓扑的半监督社团检测[J]. 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2023, 143(网络首发): 1-8. (北大核心)
曹金鑫, 许伟忠, 金弟, 丁卫平, 网络社团发现综述复杂[J].计算机科学, 2023, 50(11A): 402-412. (北大核心)
Jinxin Cao, Weizhong Xu, Di Jin, et al. A unified framework of semi-supervised community detection integrating network topology and node content[J]. Information Sciences, 2024: 121349.(SCI一区)
Xiaoyang Zou, Jinxin Cao, Hengrong Ju, Weiping Ding, and Di Jin. GNMFO_TW: Graph Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Overlapping Community Discovery by Using Three-Way[C]//International Conference on Intelligent Computing. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024: 388-398.(CCF-C会议长文)
Talent Introduction Foundation of Nantong University: “Research on Multi-information Robust Fusion
Community Discovery for Social Networks”, 2019.5-2021.5 (No. 03081198, Project leader)
Professional Service
Invited reviewer of Neurocomputing.
Invited reviewer of Future Generation Computer Systems.
Invited reviewer of Physical A.